Royal Bank of Scotland

Product Design, Research & Insights and Business Innovation

The Royal Bank of Scotland is a major retail and commercial bank in Scotland and the UK. It is one of the retail banking subsidiaries of NatWest Group (formerly RBS), together with NatWest, Ulster Bank and Coutts.

Dominic was hired by Nile for this assignment to focus on learning about the behaviours, painpoints, value and opportunities that the bank could improve on when interacting with small business owners, freelancers and sole traders. RBS are known for having larger corporations, institutions, charities and public sector divisions as their customers - who’s requirements are much different to smaller business owners.

During this project, Dominic was partnered with a principal lead Hollie to create discussion guides and conduct customer interviews both in person and remotely. In addition to assisting facilitation of both customer and stakeholder workshops in London and Manchester. To ideate opportunities and discover painpoints impacting both customers and the business.

To designing key visuals to communicate data, insights and touch points for the storytelling narrative, to convey ideas and vision to the C-Suite of RBS. To provide them with an insight into how customers should and will interact with the bank now and in the future.

Dominic designed these visuals to communicate the teams design thinking, narrative, data and insights through clean visualisation. So key individuals throughout the business could understand and share Nile’s recommendation.

In addition to the customer experience map to demonstrate to the business the higher level of thinking required to provide a forward thinking omni-channel experience to customers.

Dominic produced all of the key visuals below across mobile web and app. To highlight the key digital touch points throughout the stories, to bring the narrative to life when communicated to stakeholders.

It was very key design consideration to also demonstrate the high level and omni-channel thinking within the NatWest ecosystem but also outside of it. Within features such as Apple Pay and other sites.




Beauty Research